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The Lives We Lead (A Student In Need Book 2) Page 6
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Page 6
He voice trailed off as Anthony shrugged. “When you’re with a girl how do you decide that stuff?” Jason watched as Anthony smiled at him. “Look Jason. It’s not that different from being with a girl. Both of us play our own rolls in the relationship. We don't really change much; it just means that at the end of the day I crawl into bed and hug a man instead of a girl.”
Jason nodded, taking another sip of beer. Across from him Anthony smirked slightly. “Now on the other hand sex with a man is VERY different than-”
But Anthony broke off as Jason again began waving his hands to shut him up. Laughing Anthony watched as Jason shakily set his now empty bottle of beer on the table next to the couch. He watched as Jason leaned back, closing his eyes and groaning. “Jason……are you ok?”
Jason was silent for a moment before speaking. “I feel hot. Can……..can I have a glass of water?”
Nodding Anthony stood up, moving into the kitchen before filling a glass with water before handing it to Jason who had stood up and was now leaning against the bar. He watched as Jason drank the water, noting that Jason's skin was a few shades paler then it had been when he’d seen him last. He watched as Jason set the glass down before taking several deep breaths. “Than…..thank you.”
Anthony nodded. “Are you ok?”
Jason continued to take several deep breaths before speaking again. “Where is your bathroom?”
Following the directions Anthony gave him Jason staggered down the hallway, dimly aware that Anthony was following him. He felt his stomach lurch as he entered the bathroom. Dropping to his knees Jason barely had time to lift the toilet lid before his stomach lurched again. A second later he vomited, his sides heaving and sobbing as the vile, burning, acidic substance flooding his throat and mouth. He felt Anthony shift, kneeling down to rub his shell as he continued to vomit. He gripped the toilet bowl silently praying that his suffering would end soon.
He coughed and gagged, choking on the horrible substance that bubbled up from his stomach. Slowly it subsided, the flow of vomit dying before finally stopping; allowing Jason to spit out the last few dregs before leaning back so his shell rested against the wall. Anthony’s hand shifted, going to his shoulder. “Just breathe Jason. I’ll get you some more water. Ok?”
Jason nodded, closing his eyes as he focused on his breathing; in and out. A moment later he felt Anthony push something cold and hard into his hand. Bringing the cup to his mouth he drank the cool water, gasping and shuddering slightly as the surprisingly cold water pooled in his hot stomach making him aware of just how hot he felt. A moment later he felt Anthony touch his forehead. “Jason, you’re burning up.”
Jason groaned as he drank the last of the water. “M…..more.”
He felt Anthony pull the glass from his grip before the sound of water filled the air. Draining the second glass Jason groaned as he felt Anthony press something cool to his forehead. Groaning Jason's eyes peeked open, finding that Anthony was holding a cold washcloth against his forehead. “That…..feels good.”
Anthony nodded. “I know, that’s why I’m doing it. Are you feeling better?”
Jason nodded. It was true; the cold water had helped a lot. “S…sorry.”
Anthony cocked his head sideways at him. “For what?”
Jason shrugged. “For this. If I’d known I was gunna be sick I’d have stayed home. I…..I don't like being a burden to people.”
Anthony smiled weakly at him. “You and Alex have that in common. He hates feeling useless.”
Jason nodded, that certainly sounded like his brother. “Thing is Jason, sometimes you have to let people take care of you.”
Jason sighed and nodded. “I know…..doesn’t mean I have to like it though.”
Anthony nodded and removed the cold cloth from Jason's forehead so he could again run it under the stream of cold water from the faucet. Turning back to Jason, Anthony pressed the cloth against Jason's forehead making the larger turtle groan. Against his will Anthony bit his lip as he felt Jason's muscles ripple. He knew Jason was in pain, that he was sick, and needed to be cared for; but at the same time he could not help but notice just how…..sculpted Jason's body was. The muscles all clearly and well defined. Shaking his head slightly Anthony busied himself with dabbing at Jason's forehead for several minutes before speaking. “Do you think you can move?”
Jason groaned but nodded. “Yeah……I should get going.”
As he moved to stand the room spun making his groaned and lean back against the wall. Next to him Anthony shook his head. “No.”
Jason looked at Anthony as he moved; putting one arm around Jason's shoulder so Jason could lean on him for support. “No?”
Anthony nodded. “You can barely stand. You think I’m gunna let you get behind the wheel of a car? Come with me.”
Jason didn’t argue as Anthony moved, taking baby steps as he led Jason out of the bathroom, through the hallway, up the stairs and……Jason groaned as the world spun around him. “If I…..didn’t know…….better……..I’d think…………you roofied me.”
Anthony rolled his eyes. “Don't flatter yourself Jason. You’re not that hot.”
Jason chuckled, an action that made the world spin again. He watched as Anthony pushed open a door which revealed a bedroom. Jason chuckled again; thank full that this time the world did not spin. “So…..it was all…….part of you plan to get……..me into bed?”
Anthony could not help but chuckle at this. “Whatever you say drunky.”
Shifting Jason Anthony watched as the larger turtle dropped down onto his bed, groaning as he closed his eyes. “Soft.”
Anthony smiled. His sheet were soft, he preferred them that way. “Are you still hot?”
Jason nodded. “Here…..”
Sitting down on the bed next to Jason's form Anthony shifted, reaching over Jason to tug at his shirt, pulling off the article of clothing. Again Anthony bit his lip as his action revealed more of Jason's perfectly sculpted stomach, chest, shoulders, and arms. Again he shook his head. No, now was not the time to think about Jason; about his perfect body and how it would feel if he……. He shook his head a little more forcefully. “H…h…how about now?”
Jason groaned, one of his eyes opening to look up at Anthony. “B…better. Thank you.”
Anthony nodded, swallowing forcefully as he continued to look down at Jason. “You should sleep. The bathroom is just across the hallway if you need to use it in the night. Ok?”
He moved to get up and leave the room only to have Jason grab his wrist. “Anthony…….”
Anthony bit his lip, part of him ached to hear Jason say his name again; to hear his name spoken by those dark green lips. “Thank you Anthony.”
Anthony swallowed again. “Don’t……don’t mention it. What are…….friends for?”
But Jason shook his head. “Not……for me, for Alex. Thank you for helping him. Thank you…….thank you so much.”
Anthony nodded. “I’m happy to help.”
He felt Jason squeeze his wrist tightly. “Promise me something.”
Anthony nodded and Jason continued. “Promise me, that you’ll cure Alex. That you’ll take away all the pain he’s feeling.”
Anthony sighed but nodded. “I’ll……..I’ll do my best. But…….at the end of the day it up to him.”
Jason groaned his eyes drifting closed. Feeling Jason let go of his wrists Anthony moved, walking around the bed before getting in under the blankets. Next to him Jason groaned. “What…..are…….doing?”
Anthony chuckled. “This is still my bed. I’m going to sleep in it.”
Jason groaned. “I might throw up on you.”
Anthony growled slightly. “If you throw up on my then I throw you out of this bed. Got it?”
Jason chuckled. “So long as you stay on your side, we’ll be fine.”
Again Anthony rolled his eyes. “You aint that cute jock-boy.”
Jason didn’t respond; a gentle snore coming from his mo
uth instead. Rolling his eyes again Anthony buried his face against the pillow and did his best to ignore the gentle snoring of the hot jock lying next to him.
Alex sat in his desk, nervously watching as in front of him his math teacher handed out their tests. “You’ll have 90 minutes to answer as many questions as you can. Once the time is up you may leave for Christmas break. I will contact you about your scores later in the week.”
Alex took a deep breath, Leo’s words echoing in his head.
‘Just relax. Take deep breaths and focus. You’ll do great.’
“You may begin your tests.”
Alex laughed and giggled as Leo opened the front door of the house and allowed him to step forward. The weight that had rested on his shoulders hours ago had been lifted. His tests were over, and for the next 2 weeks he didn’t have to think about school. He felt Leo pull him into a hug, leaning his nose down to nuzzle Alex’s neck. “So, how do you think you did?”
Alex shrugged groaning as Leo continued to nuzzle his neck. “Math was……ok. English was good, I bet I passed history. As for Japanese studies……..I think I might need to seduce the teacher to make sure I pass.”
Leo chuckled. “I don't know; I hear he’s a bit of a hard ass. You’d have to work really hard to seduce him.”
Alex giggled as he felt Leo’s hands slowly work their way under his shirt. He turned, capturing Leo’s lips in his own; their tongue rubbing and exploring each other’s mouths. He felt Leo pin him against the wall. It was heaven, pure bliss. But their heaven was interrupted as the phone began to ring. Leo growled as Alex’s eyes flicked in the direction of the ringer. Alex shifted, adopting a more submissive pose while letting out a gentle whimper. “Professor Leo. I think my grades are slipping is there anything I can do to bring them up? Anything at all?”
Leo nodded and leaned back in, capturing Alex’s lips again; while pressing his body against Alex’s. In the distance the answer machine beeped and a female voice spoke through the house.
“Hello Leo. My name is Doctor Malory; I work at ST. Luke’s hospital. I’m calling to inform you that your father was rushed to the emergency room after he suffered what appears to be a massive stroke.”
Leo’s lips left Alex’s as his head jerked towards the direction of the phone.
“I……I don't know how close you are with your father but……..if there is anything you need to say to him that can't wait…….I’d get here soon. We estimate he’d only got a few days left. I’m…….I’m sorry to give you such bad news around this time of year. If you have any questions please call us back.”
A moment later the machine beeped again signaling the end of the message.
“You don't want to go see your father?”
Alex blinked confused as he watched Leo lean back in his chair and shake his head. Leo had changed since last night, since the hospital had called him. After the call he didn’t want to do anything. He hadn’t wanted to watch TV, take a shower, and not even continue the little role-play they had been doing seconds before.
From his spot in the chair Leo shook his head. “Not even a little. As far as he cares I’m dead to him; and the feeling is mutual. I haven’t seen, talked, or even tried to contact my father in……..almost 16 years; not since I left for college.”
Alex watched as Leo leaned forward slightly and took a sip from his cup of coffee. Closing his eyes Alex tried to imagine how Leo was feeling; in the end though he simply couldn’t. He could not imagine being so angry with someone that he never saw him again. “Leo…….he’s your father……”
Leo looked at him for a moment before shrugging. “He sure didn’t act like it when I was being molested.”
Leo’s tone was harsh; filled with anger and pain. Alex bit his lip; something Leo noticed. Sighing Leo changed his face, giving Alex what he hoped was a kind smile. “Alex…….I know you mean well……..but this………my father made it very clear what he thought of me the day I left. He told me point blank that I was dead to him and that I was not welcome back in his house so long as he lived.”
Alex sighed. “But……the hospital called you. That means you have to be listed under his emergency contacts. Why would that be unless he still cared about you?”
Leo sighed, rubbing his eyes. “I……..I…….I don't know.”
Alex pressed his advantage, leaning forward towards Leo. “Go and see him Leo. You won’t get another chance…….please? Even if you don't……talk to him. You should at least be there…….for his funeral.”
Leo looked at him sadly for several minutes. “Only if you come with me.”
Alex felt his eyes widen. “WH…what?”
Leo repeated himself. “I’ll go and see my father, but only if you come with me.”
Alex blinked several times still trying to figure out what Leo had asked him. “You want me…….to come with…….you to see your……dying father?”
Leo nodded and spoke. “Alex……you’re a bigger part of my life then my father EVER was. I want you with me so I can show him that I’m happy; despite what he put me through.”
Alex bit his lip. “What……what about your mother? Will she be ok with me being there?”
Alex watched as Leo closed his eyes taking a deep breath before speaking. “My mother…….died when I was 6.”
Alex felt his eyes widen. “I’m……..I’m sorry.”
Leo took another deep breath; again Alex’s eyes widened as he noticed Leo’s sides were shaking slightly. Biting his lip again Alex did his best to comfort Leo, moving around the table to hug Leo’s shoulders. “I’m sorry Leo. I’m…….”
But Leo spoke calmly, despite his sides which continued to shake. “My mind won’t change Alex. Either you come with me or I won’t go to see my father.”
Alex sighed and nodded, before leaning in to rest his head against Leo’s shoulder. “Ok Leo. Ok I’ll come.”
Leo smiled and shifted, taking Alex’s hands into his own. “Thank you Alex.”
Alex nodded, giving Leo a soft kiss. “Not like I have much of a choice.”
Leo chuckled. “Not really.”
Alex giggled as Leo pulled him onto his lap and nuzzled his neck. “I love you so much.”
Alex smiled at him. “I love you too.”
Anthony did his best to stay focused on the task at hand; making breakfast. Down the hallway he could hear the water running as Jason showered. Biting his lip Anthony fought the urge to sneak down the hallway and……… he shook his head. What was wrong with him? Was he seriously even considering spying on Jason while the muscular jock showered? Sighing Anthony closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. Waking up had been……..nice. he found that in the middle of the night they had both shifted; their bodies huddling and pressing together for heat; so that when Anthony had woken up he’d found his face buried against Jason's shoulder. Shaking his head Anthony did his best to forget how nice Jason had smelled, how good it had felt to wake up next to the large turtle, to find one of Jason's arms around his shoulders in an almost loving embrace.
He was snapped from his thoughts as the shower shut off. Shaking his head Anthony busied himself with his task; making sure the eggs in front of him didn’t burn. Flipping the eggs out of the pan Anthony looked up as he heard Jason speak. “Thanks for letting me use your shower.”
Anthony felt his face blush slightly as he looked up, catching sight of Jason who was only wearing the shorts he’d worn last night; while his shirt was slung over his shoulder. Providing Anthony with a rather……unobstructed view of Jason's perfectly sculpted stomach and chest. Against his will he let out a low groan; he’d give anything to feel those muscles against his skin, to feel those insanely muscular arms wrap around his hips or pin him against the wall while Jason's lips….. again he groaned as his mind rapidly constructed a scene; him and Jaso
n alone….naked…..Jason’s body pressed against his own, Jason's hands……pinning him down while Jason's lips claimed his flesh and…..
Anthony snapped out of his day dream, his eyes blinking as they found that Jason had crossed the room and was now standing in front of him. He blinked several times; trying to ride his face of thee red blush that still covered it. “S….sorry. Got caught up in……stuff.”
Jason raised an eyeridge at him. “What kind of stuff?”
Anthony shrugged doing his best to seem nonchalant as he dropped some toast into the toast to buy himself a few extra seconds. “Nothing just………just things I have to do today.”
Jason looked at him. “Like?”
Anthony sighed at least he could talk about this without thinking of Jason in a sexual manner. “Well I have paperwork to fill out, medical records to signs, patients to see. Stuff like that.”
Jason nodded, watching as Anthony pulled down plates and glasses for them to use. He took the plate Anthony was holding out to him. “Well I thin-”
But Anthony’s words were cut off as the phone began to ring. Gesturing to the food Anthony spoke quickly. “Take what you want.”
Picking up the phone Anthony spoke. “Hello?”
A moment later he smiled at Leo’s voice. “Anthony? How are you?”
Anthony sighed. “I’m ok.”
Something in Leo’s tone was off. It held a kind of……..awkwardness to it. A sign that Leo wasn't completely comfortable with what he was going to say. “So………..Anthony can I ask a favor of you?”
Anthony blinked before speaking. “Of course Leo. What is it?”
Leo was silent for a moment before he spoke again. “Alex and I are gunna be out of town for a while, could you swing by every now and then to get the mail and water the plants?”