The Lives We Lead (A Student In Need Book 2) Read online

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  As his chuckle died down ‘Tony’ looked up at him, a momentary look of confusion flittering over his face before changing back to his expressionless stare. “Tony fails to see the humor or logic in the joke that was told by the turtle known as Jason. If Tony wished to switch brains with the turtle known as Jason, Tony would not draw a blood sample. Tony would instead use linked EKG machines and would then-”

  But the rest of Tony’s words were cut off as the door to the room opened and another person stepped in. Jason looked at this new person, tall, glasses, dark skin, and short hair. The nametag on his lab coat read DR. ROBERT. As he sat down Robert addressed ‘Tony’, “almost done?”

  Tony nodded, withdrawing the needle from Jason's arm before putting a bandage over the puncture wound. “Tony has completed the task of withdrawing blood from the turtle known as Jason. Tony will now go and analyze the blood that came from the turtle known as Jason.”

  Without another word ‘Tony stood up and left the room leaving Jason and Robert alone. As the door closed behind Tony Jason spoke. “Your assistant is weird.”

  Robert shrugged. “Tony suffers from a condition known as ‘mind and body dualism’.”

  When Jason looked confused Robert elaborated. “In Tony’s mind; his ‘mind’ and his ‘body’ are two completely separate entities. The name he was born with ‘Nolan’ is the name of his body. While the name ‘Tony’ refers his mind or the individual in charge.”

  Jason nodded slowly. “So why do you keep him around?”

  Robert smiled. “Because if I fired him I’d have to hire 12 people to do his job. He’s like a machine; he works 13 hour days, never takes a smoke break, or goes to the bathroom. In fact the only thing he does is take a 15 minute lunch break at 2pm. Other than that he just works.”

  Jason raised an eyebrow. “He doesn’t sound human.”

  Robert shrugged. “Maybe, but he’s not why we’re here. So let talk about you Jason.”

  Jason shrugged, leaning back slightly. “Ok. What do you want to know?”

  Robert smiled. “Tell about your eating habits.”

  Jason shrugged. “Pizza mostly, sometimes a burger, tacos, Chinese takeout sometimes…..”

  Robert’s face wrinkled slightly. “You do know none of those things are really healthy for you, right?”

  Jason rolled his eyes. “Yes I know that. But I’m a college student on a budget.”

  Robert nodded, “I know that. But there are places like subway that are healthier for you.”

  Jason rolled his eyes. “You sound like my brother. Always bugging me to eat healthier.”

  Robert too rolled his eyes. “Your brother has a point. You need to eat healthier. Your body needs the proper vitamins and nutrients not the fat and salt you put into it.”

  Jason sighed. “Look doc, I don't have enough money to eat healthy every day. Hell I can barely buy the junk food that I do eat.”

  Robert sighed and shifted, turning away from Jason to dig around in a locked cabinet for a moment before turning back around. A moment later he handed a bottle to Jason; which the red turtle examined. After a moment he looked up at Robert. “A multi-vitamin?”

  Robert nodded. “It’s specially made for athletes. If you won’t eat healthier then at the very least this will help your body keep up its needed levels. You’ll need to take one every day, preferably with food or water.”

  Jason nodded, putting the pills in his pocket. “Thank you. Is there anything else?”

  Robert shook his head and stood up. “Not right now. I’ll call you and your coach when the results from your blood test come back. But other than that, I don't need anything from you right now. You’re free to go.”

  Shaking Robert’s hand Jason moved to leave only to have Robert speak. “Jason, I know what it’s like to want to be the best. But I can tell you that if you don't take care of your body it won’t give you all it has to offer. The pills will help, but you must make a conscious effort to eat healthier. Ok?”

  Jason nodded. “Ok doc. I’ll try, I promise.”

  Robert smiled, and nodded. Leaving the room Jason moved down the hallway towards the doors, leaving the building and making his way to his jeep before climbing inside and leaning back in his seat. Taking a deep breath he pulled out the bottle Robert had given him. Looking over the bottle Jason's eyes scanned the nutritional info, noting the amounts of iron and calcium were almost double what they were in normal vitamins. Rolling his eyes Jason unscrewed the lid to the bottle and popped one of the pills into his palm before snapping the pill into his mouth and downing a mouthful of water. Moving to start his jeep Jason stopped as a female voice met his ears.


  Looking over Jason found that while he had been the only person in the doctor’s office he was not the only person in the parking lot. 3 spaces over he watched as a human girl kicked the tires of her car, obvious mad that the vehicle wouldn’t start. Rolling his eyes Jason slowly got out of his jeep. “You ok?”

  The girl turned to glare at him. “Do I look ok?!”

  Jason narrowed his eyes, taking in the girl’s dark hair, slightly gothic looking makeup and slim figure. “Watch your tone girly. I could get back in my car and drive away.”

  The girl’s posture changed slumping forward. “Sorry. I just……I have 20 minutes before my class starts and if I miss another class I’ll be in SO much trouble with my dad; it’s not even funny.

  Jason sighed. “Want a ride to the school?”

  The girl looked at him her eyes pleading but nervous. “Are you’re a serial killer?”

  Jason shook his head. “No.”

  The girl smiled. “Ok then, let me just get my bag.”

  Jason nodded, his eyes roving over the girl’s slim form as she bents over to dig around in the backseat before straightening up. Leading her back to his jeep Jason spoke. “So what class do you have to get to?”

  The girl groaned as he dropped herself into the seat. “Biology. Uggggggg, how can the study of how things reproduce be sooooooo boring?”

  Jason shrugged as he started the car. Pulling out of the parking lot Jason headed in the direction of the college. “So what’s your name?”

  The girl looked at him sideways. “You first turtle boy. What’s your name?”

  Jason chuckled. “I’m Jason.”

  The girl looked at him sideways. “Well nice to meet you Jason. I’m Harmony.”

  Jason smiled. “Nice to meet you Harmony.”

  They chatted lightly as he drove down the streets and roads. As they passed through one of the gateways to the college Harmony spoke. “So what can I do to thank you for saving my ass like this?”

  Jason shook his head. “Nothing. Just helping out a fellow student in need.”

  But Harmony chuckled. A moment later Jason jerked the wheel slightly as he felt her hand brush against his thigh before moving up to cup his crotch. After a moment he felt her breath against the side of his face. “Nothing? Are you sure you can’t think of anything?”


  Anna groaned, every muscle in her body ached and burned. She panted, leaning forward to rest her forehead against Jason's shoulder while her sides heaven with the effort to draw in lungfuls of air. Things had not gone exactly as she had planned. She’d learned long ago that the best way to get information out of a man was to fuck him senseless and then question him when he was exhausted. However with Jason things were different, the red banded turtle showed no signs of getting tired. She groaned, tilting her head sideways, her eyes roving over the clock next to Jason's bed the time 11PM blinking back at her. They’d been fucking for hours, since 6 when her ‘class’ had ended. Of course in reality she’d walked past the biology class and had instead gone to see a movie; only to call Jason back when it had ended and huskily ask if she could repay him now. She’d never expected this to go on for so long. She’d expected Jason to be like most boys, to last one or two rounds and then have to stop; but this was not the
case, the old saying ‘slow and steady’ certainly did not apply to Jason. She bit her lip feeling him nuzzle her neck. “Hey……you ok?”

  She turned her head, looking at him, smiling weakly. “Yeah……just……..tired.”

  It wasn't a lie. Her heart was pounding in her chest, her skin was drenched with sweat and her muscles pleaded with her to take a break. She felt Jason shift. “Did you wanna stop?”

  Again Anna bit her lip. On one hand she was having fun, Jason was certainly one of the most ‘skilled and gifted’ boys she’d ever seduced. His hands knew exactly where to go and what to do; the squeals, moans and whimpers she’d let out had been real and not part of her act. On the other hand she did need to get home somewhat soon or her dad would begin to get suspicious. Making up her mind she leaned in, giving Jason a small kiss, their tongues dancing together for a moment before she pulled back smiling at him. “I think I’ve had about all I can handle tonight.”

  Jason grinned sheepishly at her. “Sure you don't wanna stay for another round?”

  she laughed, moving to get to her knees as she did so; shuddering as she felt his organ slip free of her body. “Sorry, not tonight. I’ll be lucky if I can get home like this.”

  As she spoke she allowed her legs to wobble slightly for added effect. She watched as Jason moved, leaning forward towards her. “I could give you a ride if you wanted.”

  She grinned. “That would be great.”

  Jason nodded and stood up. For a moment or so they didn’t speak, each of them picking up and putting on their clothes. Anna was sure to wiggle her hips and move in a way that ensured Jason watched her out of the corner of his eye; he was still a boy after all. Making sure her skirt was on straight Anna turned to Jason who finished pulling on his shirt before speaking. “Shall we?”

  Anna nodded and fell in line before Jason as they left the turtle’s room and made their way the stairs. She’d been a little surprised when he’d taken her to the apartment he shared with a friend, rather than to the frat-house. From what she knew most of the football players were in the frat and had rooms at the house; why then was he sleeping here instead? Getting into his jeep Anna spoke as Jason turned on the engine and began to drive. “So………tell me about yourself?”

  Jason looked at her sideways. “Really?”

  Anna shrugged her response already forming in her mind. “Well yeah, if I get pregnant from this I want to be able to tell the baby about his father.”

  She laughed out loud ad Jason's head jerked to stare at her his eyes going wide. It felt good to be back in control of the situation. “Relax; I’m just messing with you! Humans and Anthros can't have children; everyone knows that.”

  She laughed again as Jason's eyes turned back to the road. “Oh man the look on your face!”

  Jason grumbled slightly. “Don’t scare me like that.”

  Anna chuckled. “Ok fine. But seriously…..tell me about yourself.”

  Jason shrugged as they came to a stop at a stop light. “Not much to say. I’m on the football team, I’m going to school for a business degree, I have a younger brother….”

  Anna stopped listening after that; her father hadn’t mentioned that Jason had a brother. “Does your brother also go to the school?”

  Jason nodded. “Yeah. But he doesn’t live on the campus.”

  Anna cocked her head to the side. “Does he stay with you?”

  Jason shook his head, a slightly look of unease covering his face. “No……he has……a boyfriend, and they stay at his house.”

  Anna raised an eyebrow. “A boyfriend?”

  Jason nodded slowly. “Yeah…….”

  Anna nodded slowly, from the way Jason was responding she could tell that he wasn't exactly sure how to feel about that. Could that be the source of his bad attitude? She giggled as a new way to bug Jason popped into her head. “Well if he’s anything like you…..”

  As she spoke she leaned in breathing against the side of Jason's face while her hand went to his crotch again. “Then the boyfriend is one lucky dude.”

  Jason shifted groaning slightly as she ground her hand against his crotch for a moment before sitting back in her seat. After a moment Jason looked at her. “If you keep doing that then I’ll pull over and we’ll have another round in the back seat.”

  Anna giggled but shook her head. “No. I’m done for the night but…….”

  She allowed her voice to trail off as Jason came to a stop due to a stop sign. “Maybe we could meet up again and get to know each other a little better?”

  Jason watched as she tore out a piece of paper from one of her notebooks and scribbled down her number before handing it to him. “Call me sometime.”

  Jason looked at the number before looking at her. “How do you know I will? I’m a football player. Maybe I just wanted to fuck?”

  Again she giggled, she could tell he was trying to play this off nonchalantly, but his eyes were a dead giveaway, the way they sparkled slightly as he looked at the scrap of paper. She frowned slightly, making it look as though she was deep in thought for a moment. “Collateral.”

  Jason frowned at her. “What?”

  Anna jerked her head to a section of sidewalk. “You should drop me off here. If my dad sees you he’ll probably kill us both.”

  Nodding Jason came to a stop before turning to her. “What do you mean by ‘collateral’?”

  Undoing her seatbelt Anna squirmed and wiggled while her hands shifted under her skirt pulling her panties down and off before stuffing them into Jason’s hand. Before the turtle could react she shifted, reaching back into the back seat and grabbing the first thing she could find; which turned out to be one of his textbooks. Pushing open the door she stepped out before turning to speak; grinning at the look of confusion on his face. “Those are my lucky panties. I’ll want them back, so you’d better call and…..”

  She held up his textbook. “….This probably costs a lot of money to replace so you’d better call me if you want it back.”

  She giggled at the continued look of confusion on his face, before turning and running down the sidewalk in the direction of her home. Even if he didn’t call her back she had a way of getting in touch with him. Before she’d begin this whole operation her father had given her Jason's phone number.


  Jason's eyes were closed as he gently hummed along to the music in his ears. A moment later he opened his eyes as someone tapped him on the shoulder. Turning around Jason smiled, turning off his music as he found that Alex had finally arrived and was grinning at him. “Hey.”

  Pulling his headphones out of his ears Jason smiled back. “Hey.”

  It had become a kind of tradition for them. Ever since the arcade they made an effort to see each other in person at least once a week; in this week’s case walking around the mall. As they began to walk Alex spoke. “How are you doing Jason?”

  Jason shrugged. “I’m fine. Waiting for the results of my physical but other than that I’m good. Trying to study for the exams.”

  Alex nodded. He was studying for exams too. Every night after school he’d come home and dump his homework out on the kitchen table and do his best to make sense of all the information in front of him. It was times like that, that Leo was at his best. He had a way of explaining even the most complicated subjects in terms that were easy and truly fun. Pausing for a moment Alex looked at a set of clothes inside one of the nearby stores before grabbing Jason's arm and dragging him inside. As they moved through the aisles of clothing Jason spoke. “So…… is Leo?”

  Alex looked at him a small smile covering his face. “He’s good.”

  Jason smiled weakly back. “Is he studying for exams too?”

  Busying himself with looking at a pair of pants Alex bit his lip. He still hadn’t told Jason the full truth about Leo yet. How would the older red turtle react if Alex told him not only was Leo not a student, but that he was in fact one of Alex’s teachers? “Alex?”

  He looke
d up at Jason pretending to be a little startled. “Huh? Sorry…….I got distracted by these jeans. What did you say?”

  Jason smiled at him. “I asked if Leo is preparing for his exams too.”

  Alex nodded, mentally hoping Jason would forgive him for lying. “Yeah. But he’s got really good grades so he doesn’t have to study nearly as much.”

  Jason nodded his shoulders slumping slightly. “That must be nice.”

  Alex nodded, turning back to the jeans he had been looking at. It was true, it would be great if he could spend a little less time studying and a little more time doing the things he really wanted to do; so far his job search had been a complete waste of time. He’d handed in dozens of resumes and gotten very few responses in return. Sighing Alex looked up as a small idea popped into his head. “Hey Jason?”

  Jason looked up at him from the shirts he’d moved to look at. “Do you know of anyplace nearby that is hiring?”

  Jason shrugged but nodded. “Yeah the burger place around the block from Casey’s apartment.”

  Alex’s smile faded slightly. “Any place that’s not fast food?”

  Jason shook his head. “Sorry, no. why?”

  Alex sighed. “Cause I need to find a job. I can’t keep living off the little bit of money I have left over from your scholarships, and………and it bothers me that I don't help out financially with Leo.”

  Jason shrugged. “Check with the school. I’m sure they have some local jobs listed somewhere.”

  Alex nodded. “I did that a few days ago. But I could always go again.”

  Jason nodded and gave him an apologetic smile. “I’ll keep my ears open in case I hear of anything. Ok?”

  Alex smiled back. “Thanks.”

  As they left the store Jason spoke again. “So what does Leo think of you getting a job?”

  Something in Jason's voice made Alex raise an eyebrow. “What’s with ‘the tone’?”

  Jason looked at him. “Tone? What tone? There was no tone. I just asked a question.”